If you’re in need of some original high quality music icons for a website design, online music player or Flash presentation, please feel free to download any of the following music icon sets. Each icon set contains back, next, stop, pause, play, record, fast forward and rewind buttons, and the icon itself is a hovering glossy button featuring a metallic rim and reflective inner surface. If the colours aren’t quite right for your creative needs the easiest thing to do is to tweak the hue using design software. Check out the free download category for more free icons.
To use any of the free music icons above simply right click on the coloured icon set of your choice and select “Save image as…” from the on screen menu and the high quality image will download to your computer. These are royalty free icons and there is no need to obtain a license or provide a link to the Scottish Borders Website Design blog or site.
You may also want to consider licensing royalty free music for your project. If so, the following genre based albums are available to preview and immediately license and download: