Free blank speech bubble icons

I needed to dream up some alternative icon backgrounds for a project the other day, and here they are for you to download for free. The set features 3D style speech bubbles which you can drop a symbol onto to make your own personal icons, ideal for social media buttons, chat room icons or forum posts. Check out the free download category for more free icons.

To use any of these free blank speech bubble icons simply right click on the icon set and select “Save image as…” from the on screen menu and the high quality image will download to your computer. These are royalty free icons and there is no need to obtain a license or provide a link to the Scottish Borders Website Design blog or site.

Free music icons to download

This is the last free set of icons in this particular range; all yours to download for free and make use of as you wish. As with other music icon sets, this one features back, next, stop, pause, play, record, fast forward and rewind buttons.
Check out the free download category for more free icons.

To use any of these free music icons simply right click on the icon set and select “Save image as…” from the on screen menu and the high quality image will download to your computer. These are royalty free icons and there is no need to obtain a license or provide a link to the Scottish Borders Website Design blog or site.

You may also want to consider using royalty free music. If so, check out these undiscovered Spotify music playlists:

Free home icons to download

More free icons for download in the rust brown tile format. As with other home sets, this one features a light bulb, house, jar, plug, book, CD, t-shirt and present symbols represented by a white outline. Check out the free download category for more free icons.

To use any of these free home icons simply right click on the icon set and select “Save image as…” from the on screen menu and the high quality image will download to your computer. These are royalty free icons and there is no need to obtain a license or provide a link to the Scottish Borders Website Design blog or site.

Free communications icons to download

Another communications icon set available to download for free. This series features floating angled tiles with each symbol represented as a white outline. As with other communication sets, this file includes a traditional telephone, mouse, mobile (both sending and receiving), email/letter, download, RSS/wifi and satellite icons on a rust brown gradient background. Check out the free download category for more free icons.

To use any of these free communication icons simply right click on the icon set and select “Save image as…” from the on screen menu and the high quality image will download to your computer. These are royalty free icons and there is no need to obtain a license or provide a link to the Scottish Borders Website Design blog or site.

Free blank glossy icons

Some time back icon sets covering music, communications and the home were uploaded that made use of a hovering circular button, with a high gloss interior and a thin metallic surround. The set below features the blank backgrounds for these icons and they can be downloaded for free and adapted to your own design requirements. Just create your own symbols, drop them on top and you have your own professional icons in a range of 8 colours!

To use any of these free blank icons simply right click on the icon set and select “Save image as…” from the on screen menu and the high quality image will download to your computer. These are royalty free icons and there is no need to obtain a license or provide a link to the Scottish Borders Website Design blog or site.

Free music icons to download

Looking for some free music icons? Search no further, the following eight music icons are yours to download and use for free. Each icon set contains back, next, stop, pause, play, record, fast forward and rewind buttons on a white tile background with the slightest of drop shadows. Check out the free download category for more free icons.

To use any of these free music icons simply right click on the icon set and select “Save image as…” from the on screen menu and the high quality image will download to your computer. These are royalty free icons and there is no need to obtain a license or provide a link to the Scottish Borders Website Design blog or site.

If you’re into music you may find the following articles of interest: the best studio headphones, music streaming services and the best royalty free music websites.

Free home icons to download

Here’s another set of free icons relating to the home. This one features a white tile background with a light bulb, house, jar, plug, book, CD, t-shirt and present in solid green. Check out the free download category for more free icons.

To use any of these free home icons simply right click on the icon set and select “Save image as…” from the on screen menu and the high quality image will download to your computer. These are royalty free icons and there is no need to obtain a license or provide a link to the Scottish Borders Website Design blog or site.

Free communications icons to download

This is an alternative set of flat solid green communications icons that are free to download and use. This set includes a traditional telephone, mouse, mobile (both sending and receiving), email/letter, download, RSS/wifi and satellite icons in green on a white tile background. These icons don’t make use of any gradient fills so if you need to tweak the colour by altering the hue you should be able to make them match your exact requirements. As the icons are on a white background they can also be isolated and used without the background tile. Check out the free download category for more free icons.

To use any of these free communication icons simply right click on the icon set and select “Save image as…” from the on screen menu and the high quality image will download to your computer. These are royalty free icons and there is no need to obtain a license or provide a link to the Scottish Borders Website Design blog or site.

Free home icons to download

Following on from the communications and music icons in this glossy hovering button range, the following icons relating to the home are now available to download for free. The home set features a light bulb, house, jar, plug, book, CD, t-shirt and present icon on a blue background. Check out the free download category for more free icons.

To use any of these free home icons simply right click on the icon set and select “Save image as…” from the on screen menu and the high quality image will download to your computer. These are royalty free icons and there is no need to obtain a license or provide a link to the Scottish Borders Website Design blog or site.

Free communications icons to download

Communication icons are often commonly used within website design and online presentations. If you’d like to make use of the following glossy button style icons please feel free. This set includes a traditional telephone, mouse, mobile (both sending and receiving), email/letter, download, RSS/wifi and satellite icons on a blue background. Check out the free download category for more free icons.

To use any of these free communication icons simply right click on the icon set and select “Save image as…” from the on screen menu and the high quality image will download to your computer. These are royalty free icons and there is no need to obtain a license or provide a link to the Scottish Borders Website Design blog or site.