Fiery Cheviot dawn

Fiery Cheviot dawn

I awoke the other morning to a truly fiery sunrise. The dawn view over the Cheviot Hills to the south looked absolutely spectacular.

The fields in the foreground jet black, the sliver of cloud capped Cheviot purple grey, and a dazzling strip of orange fire arching diagonally into the sky above.

I rushed down stairs to grab my Canon only to find the battery (and the backup) flat. Luckily my Nokia Lumia 1020 didn’t let me down; as a camera phone it’s ability to capture stunning high resolution photos, especially in low light, is amazing.

Luminous dawn

Luminous dawn

At Cothill we’re always treated to amazing sunrises in winter. As each day shortens and the sun rise is that little bit later, it also moves closer to the summit of Cheviot. When the sun breaks over the Cheviot Hills and the clouds mass overhead the sky simply looks vast. If the timing is just right, it’s possible to capture the vivid intensity of dawn in yellows and pinks, with the dark grey blue of night still overhead.