McGeer Employment Mediation website design

McGeer Employment Mediation, Lauder
Following on from the logo design for McGeer Employment Mediation, Scottish Borders Website Design have just launched the new brochure website. The site design itself follows on from the calm, balanced and trustworthy logo styling. Soft pale shades of grey and blue, delicate outer shadows, subtle page shading and a stock photo indicating balance and harmony all make for a very cool, composed website – just what you need when it comes to mediation in the work place.

McGeer Employment Mediation logo design

McGeer Employment Mediation logo design

McGeer Employment Mediation, Lauder
Employment mediation involves a third party trying to help two other parties resolve a dispute. This logo design needed to be professional and trustworthy, but also visually represent how mediation works. Scottish Borders Website Design therefore developed an icon that added colour and individual identity, but most importantly, three interlocking shapes that are all connected, balanced and equal, which represent the three parties involved in the mediation process.